In most cases, you can visualize containers as mini virtual machines – at least, they seem like they are. But, in reality, they are just computer programs running within an OS. So, let’s look at a high-level diagram of what an application stack within containers looks like:

Figure 1.5 – Applications on containers
As we can see, we have the compute infrastructure right at the bottom, forming the base, followed by the host OS and a container runtime (in this case, Docker) running on top of it. We then have multiple containerized applications using the container runtime, running as separate processes over the host operating system using namespaces and cgroups.
As you may have noticed, we do not have a guest OS layer within it, which is something we have with virtual machines. Each container is a software program that runs on the Kernel userspace and shares the same OS and associated runtime and other dependencies, with only the required libraries and dependencies within the container. Containers do not inherit the OS environment variables. You have to set them separately for each container.
Containers replicate the filesystem, and though they are present on disk, they are isolated from other containers. This makes containers run applications in a secure environment. A separate container filesystem means that containers don’t have to communicate to and fro with the OS filesystem, which results in faster execution than virtual machines.
Containers were designed to use Linux namespaces to provide isolation and cgroups to offer restrictions on CPU, memory, and disk I/O consumption.
This means that if you list the OS processes, you will see the container process running alongside other processes, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 1.6 – OS processes
However, when you list the container’s processes, you will only see the container process, as follows:
$ docker exec -it mynginx1 bash
root@4ee264d964f8:/# pstree
This is how namespaces provide a degree of isolation between containers.
Cgroups play a role in limiting the amount of computing resources a group of processes can use. For example, if you add processes to a cgroup, you can limit the CPU, memory, and disk I/O the processes can use. In addition, you can measure and monitor resource usage and stop a group of processes when an application goes astray. All these features form the core of containerization technology, which we will see later in this book.
Once we have independently running containers, we also need to understand how they interact.
Therefore, we’ll have a look at container networking in the next section.